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Cory Nespor


After humming and hawing for the last few days I’ve finally decided to take down all my old work. Prints can still be purchased on ETSY or simply by contacting me directly. My work has taken a dramatic turn and its time to say goodbye to the past.
I still have a few older pieces at my shop and I would be happy to arrange a visit. Simply contact me anyway you can (carrier pigeon preferred) and we’ll get this thing figured out.
Stay tuned for some “Words of Wisdom”

Process, process, process…

Hey everybody, hope the New Year finds you well. A new year brings with it new opportunity, which for an artist means piles & piles of applications. Markets, galleries, grants… it can be a bit overwhelming. After a lot of research you realize how much of what you do gets lost in a picture. A single picture just simply doesn’t show the hours of work, true scale or any part of the process. Once photographed, a six foot tall painting can just as easily be a 6″ digital design… who would know?! I guess I thought a process shot might be an important update… Thanks for taking the time to have a look around.

ArtMarket 2014

This show was another life affirming event. Finding out about the event a week before it started, I sent an email with hopes of simply getting on the wait list for next year. Two days later I got a call saying someone was unable to participate and the spot was mine if I wanted it. Talk about blown away. I realize how lucky I was to get in, but throughout this whole life changing process from electrician to artist, those kinds of things have happened just at a key time to let me know that this is exactly what I’m supposed to do with my life.

I can’t thank the people who got me there or who helped out during for all the support & guidance. This was a very special event, I sold over 120 prints, gave out more than 200 business cards and had some truly inspirational interactions with some wonderful people…

Thank you.